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Your search results are listed below for ECC81

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  • NameManufacturer CommentStockPrice PhotoOrder
  • ECC81-HARMA STRHarma ValvesThe HARMA ECC81 STR is a German manufactured valve that has been specially chosen for its outstanding performance and ...In stock£16.00Buy Now
  • ECC81/ 12AT7-GENERAL ELECTRICGeneral ElectricThe American made General Electric ECC81 is a superb sounding valve which is ideal for Audio as well as guitar ...In stock£16.75Buy Now
  • ECC81/ 12AT7-JJ TESLAJJ TeslaThe JJ ECC81 is an excellent modern valve that provides low noise and low microphonics. It has a clear open sound ...In stock£16.50Buy Now
  • ECC81/ 12AT7-RFTRFT The RFT ECC81 is a very high quality ECC81 12AT7 valve which was made in the East German RFT factory.Many of you will ...In stock£15.00Buy Now
  • ECC81/ 12AT7-SIEMENSSiemensSiemens ECC81 is a very high quality ECC81-12AT7 valve which is ideal for all audio and guitar amp applications.These ...In stock£18.00Buy Now
  • ECC81/ 12AT7-TUNG SOL RITung-Sol RIThe Tung Sol ECC81 12AT7 Re-issue is superbly made item that provides low noise and low microphonics. It provides a ...In stock£22.00Buy Now
  • ECC81/ 12AT7-Z&I BRIMAR HALF BLACK PLATEZ&I Aero ServicesBrimar ECC81 12AT7 was made in England and rebranded by Z&I Aero ServicesZ&I was major supplier to the Mod and N.A.T.O ...In stock£12.50Buy Now
  • ECC81/ 12AT7C-RUBY TUBES HIGH GRADERuby TubesRuby High Grade

    The Ruby 12AT7C High Grade is one of the most popular modern made ECC81 due to its excellent ...
    In stock£14.00Buy Now
  • ECC81/ 12AT7WB/ 6201-GENERAL ELECTRICGeneral ElectricThese are Original JAN specification 6201/12AT7WB and were made by GE to the highest specification for the American ...In stock£20.00Buy Now
  • ECC81/ 12AT7WB/ 6201-GENERAL ELECTRIC BALANCEDGeneral ElectricSpecial Balanced item

    This is a special balanced version with matched triode sections for use in in critical ...
    In stock£28.00Buy Now
  • ECC81/ 12AT7WB/ 6201-GENERAL ELECTRIC MATCHED PAIRGeneral ElectricSpecial Matched Pairs

    This is a special balanced version with matched triode sections available in matched ...
    In stock£30.00Buy Now
  • ECC81/ 12AT7WC-PHILIPSPhilips ECG JANThis original USA made military grade JAN specification Philips ECC81 12AT7WC was made for the US Government under ...In stock£12.00Buy Now
  • ECC81/ 12AT7WC-PHILIPS BALANCEDPhilips ECG JANSpecial Balanced item

    This is a special balanced version with matched triode sections for use in in critical ...
    In stock£18.00Buy Now
  • ECC81/ 6201-SIEMENSSiemensThe ECC81/6201 SIEMENS is a special quality avionics valve that was designed to work in the most difficult operating ...In stock£40.00Buy Now
  • ECC81/ CV4024-BRIMAR HALF BLACK PLATEBrimarBrimar ECC81 CV4024 was made in England and was specially designed to work in the avionics industry. The construction ...In stock£12.00Buy Now
  • ECC81/ CV4024-MULLARDMullardThis Mullard ECC81 CV4024 has the CV4024 markings which were the UK Government designation that indicated this is ...In stock£25.00Buy Now
  • ECC81/ CV4024-MULLARD BALANCEDMullardSpecial Balanced item

    This is a special balanced version with matched triode sections for use in in critical ...
    In stock£30.00Buy Now
  • ECC81/ CV4024-MULLARD MATCHED PAIRMullardSpecial Matched Pairs

    This is a special balanced version with matched triode sections available in matched ...
    In stock£30.00Buy Now
  • ECC81-HARMA STR CRYOHarma Cryo The Harma ECC81 STR CRYO is a specially treated and selected valve for use in critical positions in both audio and ...In stock£26.00Buy Now
  • ECC81-HARMA STR CRYO BALANCEDHarma Cryo Special Balanced item

    This is a special balanced version with matched triode sections for use in in critical ...
    In stock£30.00Buy Now
  • ECC81-HARMA STR CRYO MATCHED PAIRHarma Cryo Special Matched Pairs

    The Harma ECC81 STR CRYO is a specially treated and that has balanced sections for use in ...
    In stock£30.00Buy Now
  • ECC81/ 12AT7-JJ TESLA CRYOJJ Tesla Cryo Specially Cryo treated JJ ECC81 Cryo is an excellent modern valve that provides low noise and low microphonics. It has ...In stock£20.00Buy Now
  • ECC81/ 12AT7-JJ TESLA CRYO MATCHED PAIRJJ Tesla Cryo Special Matched Pairs

    Specially Cryo treated JJ ECC81 Cryo is an excellent modern valve that provides low noise ...
    In stock£27.00Buy Now
  • ECC81/ 12AT7-RFT CRYORFT CryoThis is a Cryo treated version of the German made ECC81 RFT for use in guitar amplifiers or in critical positions in ...In stock£20.00Buy Now
  • ECC81/ 12AT7WC-PHILIPS CRYOPhilips ECG JAN CRYOOriginal Military grade JAN specification 12AT7WC Philips that has been specially Cryo treated for use in critical ...In stock£20.00Buy Now
Total : 62 | Page 1 of 3
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