Harma Valves

The Harma diamond premium grade valve range is sourced from the best current production and new old stock available today.

The range was established in 1995 and has been as a result of the demand from the professional music industry for a high quality tested valve that will work under the most rigorous conditions.
The valves have been road tested by the major U.K hire companies and high profile musicians. Our S.T.R E34L has been tested and is used by Ben Matthew's of British rock band Thunder for example.
All the valves are tested and selected on our high plate volt tester. This rig runs the valves in real working conditions at high voltages 500 vdc plate and screen for instance for a 6L6 type.

The valves under go tests for cathode heater insulation, heater continuity, gas and are matched via the quitescent current method after undergoing six shifts in bias voltage to ensure perfect curve tracking. This ensures total reliability in touring environment which is why these valves come with one of the longest warranties in the business. 6 months on Pre- amp and output valves.

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  • 12BH7A-HARMA RETROHarma ValvesThe Harma 12BH7A Retro design is based on the original USA made General Electric 12BH7A. It has a number of features ...In stock£38.00Buy Now
  • 12DW7/ 7247-HARMA STRHarma ValvesThe Harma 12DW7 STR is based on the American dual plate design that was popular in the late 1960’s. It has been ...In stock£26.00Buy Now
  • 5881-HARMAHarma ValvesThe Harma 5881 is the original button based Russian military valve that powered the Marshall and Mesa Boogie amps (STR ...In stock£30.00Buy Now
  • 5881-HARMA MESA BOOGIE 400+ OUTPUT SETHarma ValvesSpecial Offer 15% Discount

    This is a specially selected matched set of 12 5881 valve for owners of the Mesa ...
    In stock£360.00
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  • 5881-HARMA MESA SELECTHarma ValvesMesa Select for use in Mesa Boogies

    This valve is specially selected to run in Mesa Boogies fixed bias ...
    In stock£30.00Buy Now
  • 5U4G-HARMA STRHarma ValvesHarma 5U4G STR is the designed on the classic shoulder shape rectifiers that were heavily used in the 1950’s. This ...In stock£35.00Buy Now
  • 6072A/ 12AY7-HARMA STRHarma ValvesThe Harma 12AY7 STR plate construction is based on the famous frame grid plate design that was pioneered in Germany by ...In stock£20.00Buy Now
  • 6GK5/ 6FQ5-HARMA STRHarma ValvesThe Harma 6GK5 been selected for use in Conrad Johnson amplifiers. These valves offered a number of sonic benefits over ...In stock£10.00Buy Now
  • 6L6GC-HARMA RETROHarma ValvesThe Harma 6L6GC Retro is a re issue of the famous Sylvania STR 387 that was produced for Fender in the early 1970s.This ...In stock£32.00Buy Now
  • 6L6GC-HARMA RETRO MESA SELECTHarma ValvesMesa Select for use in Mesa Boogies

    The 6L6GC Harma Retro Mesa select have been specially selected to run with ...
    In stock£36.00Buy Now
  • 6N1P VI-HARMAHarma ValvesSpecial Offer very low stock

    The Harma 6N1P VI is a special long life, low noise selected version of the 6N1P. ...
    In stock£22.00
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  • 6N1P VI-HARMA MATCHED PAIRHarma ValvesSpecial Matched Pairs

    This is a special balanced version with matched triode sections available in matched ...
    In stock£18.00Buy Now
  • ECC81-HARMA STRHarma ValvesThe HARMA ECC81 STR is a German manufactured valve that has been specially chosen for its outstanding performance and ...In stock£16.00Buy Now
  • ECC83-HARMA RETROHarma ValvesThe Harma ECC83 Retro is a true sounding recreation of the famous Mullard ECC83.It produces a harmonically rich and ...In stock£25.00Buy Now
  • ECC83-HARMA RETRO BALANCEDHarma ValvesThe Harma ECC83 Retro balanced is a true sounding recreation of the famous Mullard ECC83.This is a special balanced ...In stock£28.00Buy Now
  • ECC83-HARMA STR Harma ValvesThe Harma ECC83 STR features an internally rugged construction with thick mica supports. This has a number of ...In stock£16.00Buy Now
  • ECC83-HARMA STR BALANCEDHarma ValvesSpecial balanced item with matched sections for use in phase inverter position, tube microphones or input positions ...In stock£20.00Buy Now
  • ECC83-HARMA STR DR250 High GainHarma ValvesA specially selected version of the Harma of the Harma ECC83 STR valve which has a slightly earlier break up than our ...In stock£22.00Buy Now
  • ECC83/ 12AX7WA-HARMA VINTAGEHarma ValvesThe Harma 12AX7WA Vintage has been designed around the medium length ribbed anode plate design of the Mullard ECC83 in ...In stock£18.00
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  • ECC83/ 12AX7WA-HARMA VINTAGE BALANCEDHarma ValvesSpecial Balanced item

    This is a specially matched version with balanced output from each triode section. These ...
    In stock£20.00
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