Products > Amp Parts

Watford valves do not only stock those hard to fine valves but we also stock a whole range of amplifiers spare parts to help keep your amplifiers on the road. Some of these parts are not available even from the manufactures. We have a huge worldwide contact base so we try and stock a comprehensive selection of the most sought after items. We stock a wide range of parts for leading manufactures such as Fender and Marshall.

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  • 20 mm 0.25 Amp time delay fuse 10 packFuses20 mm 0.25 Amp (250 m/A) time delay slo blow fuse 10 fuses in the pack.In stock£2.50Buy Now
  • 20 mm 0.4 Amp time delay fuse 10 pack Green Label NosFuses20 mm 0.4 (400 m/A) Amp time delay slo blow fuse 10 fuses in the pack.Green label are Nos glass 20mm time delay fuses. ...In stock£2.90Buy Now
  • 20 mm 1.0 Amp time delay fuse 10 packFuses20 mm 1.0 Amp time delay slo blow fuse.10 fuses in the packIn stock£2.95Buy Now
  • 20 mm 1.6 Amp time delay fuse 10 packFuses20 mm 1.6 Amp time delay slo blow fuse 10 fuses in the packIn stock£2.55Buy Now
  • 20 mm 2 Amp time delay fuse 10 pack Green Label NosFuses20 mm 2 Amp time delay slo blow fuse 10 fuses in the pack.Green label are Nos glass 20mm time delay fuses. These fuses ...In stock£2.95Buy Now
  • 20 mm 3.15 Amp time delay fuse 10 packFuses20 mm 3.15 Amp time delay slo blow fuse 10 fuses in the packIn stock£2.60Buy Now
  • 20 mm 4 Amp time delay fuse 10 packFuses20 mm 4 Amp time delay slo blow fuse 10 fuses in the pack.In stock£2.65Buy Now
  • 20 mm 5 Amp time delay fuse 10 packFuses20 mm 5 Amp time delay slo blow fuse 10 fuses in the pack.In stock£2.68Buy Now
  • 32 mm 0.1 Amp time delay fuse 10 packFuses32 mm 0.1 amp (100 m/a) time delay slo blow fuse.10 fuses in the pack.High quality T rated, time delay/slow blow fuses ...In stock£2.35Buy Now
  • 32 mm 0.5 Amp time delay fuse 10 packFuses32 mm 0.5 amp (500 m/a) time delay slo blow fuse. 10 fuses in the pack.High quality T rated, time delay/slow blow ...In stock£2.75Buy Now
  • 32 mm 1 Amp time delay fuse 10 packFuses32 mm 1 amp time delay slo blow fuse 10 fuses in the pack.High quality T rated, time delay/slow blow fuses that are ...Sold Out£3.05Buy Now
  • 32 mm 1.5 Amp time delay fuse 10 packFuses32 mm 1.5 Amp time delay slo blow fuse. 10 fuses in the pack.High quality T rated, time delay/slow blow fuses that are ...In stock£2.95Buy Now
  • 32 mm 1.5 Amp time delay fuse 10 pack Green Label NosFuses32 mm 1.5 Amp time delay slo blow fuse 10 fuses in the pack.Green label are Nos glass 32mm time delay fuses. These ...In stock£3.10Buy Now
  • 32 mm 2 Amp time delay fuse 10 packFuses32 mm 2.0 amp time delay slo blow fuse 10 fuses in the pack.High quality T rated, time delay/slow blow fuses that are ...In stock£3.12Buy Now
  • 32 mm 4 Amp time delay fuse 10 packFuses32 mm 4 Amp time delay slo blow fuse. 10 fuses in the pack.High quality T rated, time delay/slow blow fuses that are ...In stock£3.15Buy Now
  • 32 mm 5 Amp time delay fuse 10 packFuses32 mm 5 Amp time delay slo blow fuse. 10 fuses in the pack.High quality T rated, time delay/slow blow fuses that are ...In stock£3.25Buy Now
  • 7 Pin B7G Skirted Chassis Mount PTFE Socket Valves Sockets7 Pin B7G Skirted Chassis Mount PTFE SocketMade by McMurdo in the UK. Very high quality Ex Military surplus brand new ...In stock£1.00Buy Now
  • CARLING SW110-P FOOTSWITCHCarling switchesCarling 110P SPST footswitch can be used in Fender and other reverb/trem/channel switching pedals In stock£6.50Buy Now
  • CARLING 110-63 SPST POWER/ STANDBYCarling switchesCarling 110-63 Single pole single throw toggle switch.This switch is mainly used as a power and standby toggle switch ...In stock£4.55Buy Now
  • CARLING 112-63 SPDT TOGGLE 2P GROUND SWITCHCarling switchesCarling 112 63 SPDT toggle switch which is a 2 position on off switch which is used as the ground switch in vintage ...In stock£4.75Buy Now
  • CARLING SPDT TOGGLE 3P GROUNDCarling switchesCarling SPDT toggle - 3 position centre off, with three contact lugs on bottom. This is a perfect replacement for ...In stock£5.95Buy Now
  • CARLING 316 PP DPDT FOOTSWITCHCarling switchesCarling 316PP DPDT Foot Switch is the industry standard footswitch used for True bypass in vintage effects pedals.This ...In stock£9.95Buy Now
  • 8 Pin Octal Belton Micalex Valve Socket Chassis Mount VT8-STValves Sockets8 pin Octal Belton VT8-ST is a very high quality Micalex valve socket for chassis mounting.Belton bases are made from ...In stock£2.45Buy Now
  • 8 Pin Octal Belton Micalex Valve Socket with Long Legs PC Mount VT8-PT Valves Sockets8 Pin Octal Belton VT8-PT with Long legs is a very high quality Micalex valve socket for PC mounting.This also makes a ...In stock£2.50Buy Now
  • 8 Pin Octal Celanex Valve Socket Chassis MountValves Sockets8 Pin Octal Celanex valve socket chassis mount base is a very high quality black base for chassis mounting in vintage ...In stock£2.60Buy Now
Total : 115 | Page 1 of 5
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