Products > Amp Power Reduction Kits > Yellow Jackets Power Reduction
Converters such as Yellow Jackets allow you to substitute your octal output valves with EL84's. These current limiting voltage conditioning adaptors gives power reduction and the option of using your amp in Triode or Pentode mode. These offer a cost effective way of power reduction.
Originally designed by Andy Marshall of THD fame yellow jackets current limiting voltage conditioning adaptors for use in most 20 to 100 watt amps that use 6L6, EL34, 6550 or 6V6 output tubes. They Allow you to reduce the output of your amp and change the characteristics by using EL84.
- NameBrandCommentStockPrice PhotoOrder
- Yellow Jacket Cathode Bias Pentode Volume Reduction 5070 JJ EL84 Kit PairYellow Jackets Power ReductionVolume Reduction by between 50% & 70%
Our Cathode Bias Pentode kit is designed to reduce the volume of your amp ...In stock£105.00
£80.00Buy Now - Yellow Jacket Fixed Bias Pentode Volume Reduction 5070 JJ EL84 Kit PairYellow Jackets Power ReductionVolume Reduction between 50% to 70%
Our Fixed Bias Pentode kit is designed to reduce the volume of your amp by ...In stock£99.00
£75.00Buy Now