Siemens / ECL80-SIEMENS

ECL80-SIEMENS Click on image(s) above to view larger

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Siemens are a huge German owned manufacturer that has made and developed some of the worlds best vacuum tubes. Siemens first patented the x-ray tube On March 24, 1896. Siemens have made some of the best sounding audio valves that have become highly sought after for their sound and build quality.
ECL80 Siemens a triode & output pentode for audio use. The ECL80 was primarily designed for use in television receivers but this valve was used in low cost audio applications such as low cost record players with high output crystal pick-ups.

This has been our best Selling ECL80 as the Siemens item offers exceptional performance. The valve is printed with ECL80 no logo and comes in the original box.



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