Laney Full Revalve Kits / Laney Lionheart L5T-112 Harma E84L STR BT Full Upgrade Kit

Laney Lionheart L5T-112 Harma E84L STR BT Full Upgrade Kit Click on image(s) above to view larger

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Laney Amplifiers were born in the West Midlands in 1967 by Lyndon Laney. The West Midlands was UK industrial heartland and Lyndon who was playing with The Band of Joy which included John Bonham on drums and Robert Plant on vocals wanted to design amplifiers that sounded different from what was commercially available.

The West Midlands has given us some of the greatest bands and most talented musicians that the UK has ever produced. So it is no surprise that Laney has grown into a multinational company with a loyal and strong customer base.

Laney can be rightly credited with the design of amplifiers that founded Heavy metal as Tony Iommi of Black Sabbath has been a lifelong user of Laney amplifiers. Today, Laney Still works with Black Sabbath and modern artists such as The Prodigy, The Foo Fighters, and Skindred. Laney are the jewel in the crown of UK amplifier manufacture as they continue to product a range of well-designed good sounding amplifiers. These upgrade kits are designed to help you get the best out of these British designed Amplifiers.
Our Harma upgrade kits consist of a specially selected set of Harma ECC83 STR preamp valves combined with selected and matched set of Harma output valves will provide an outstanding upgrade to your amp.

All preamp valves in our kits are specially drive tested and include a balanced valve for the phase inverter position. The output valves are burnt in and dual matched on current and output gain.

The Harma ECC83 STR is used for it's the sparkling clean sounds and its very transparent midrange. The E84L produces the maximum clean headroom out of any current made EL84 valves. It provides a deep clear bass response, clear mids and smooth highs. When pushed into distortion the valve produces a rich warm overdrive sound. This has been our most popular upgrade kit for this amp.

This is the special burst tested version of the E84L that is tested on the rig built for Brian May for the ultimate reliability.

The set consist of

2 Specially Selected Harma ECC83 STR
1 Specially Selected & Balanced Harma ECC83 STR
1 Specially Selected Harma E84L Burst Tested

Please note that this kit is for the valves only



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