Peavey Amplifier Kits / Peavey Classic 20 Harma Classic EL84 Retro Celestion G10 Green Kit

Peavey Classic 20 Harma Classic EL84 Retro Celestion G10 Green Kit Click on image(s) above to view larger

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These upgrade are tried and tested to help you get the most out of your Peavey amplifier.Peavey have made some really great amplifiers and combo's over the years. Here are some of my personal favourite upgrades with many customers finding that by upgrading the stock valves and speaker gives improved tone. The kits consist of valves and speakers that enable you to voice your amplifier to your own requirements.
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The Peavey Classic 20 Retro upgrade kit fitted with the Celestion G10 Green back speaker is designed to give you're a classic vintage sound with more midrange warmth our STR kit .This also removes the hardness or top end fizz that is provided by the stock valves. This combination provides the classic British rock sound with a nice tight bottom end.

The Harma ECC83 Retros provide a harmonically rich and detailed sound with a 3D midrange warmth that when overdriven produces a huge sustaining tone. The outstanding feature of this valve is it smooth linear midrange response and extended frequency response so you get smooth warm overdrive with tight fat punchy lows.

The EL84 Retro has a deep well defined tight bass that produces the classic slam of the original Mullards in the bottom end. The midrange performance has been tweaked to provide warm clear detail at low volumes with clear articulation and smooth even distortion when the amplifier is cranked.

These characteristics make this the ideal valve & speaker combination for the Blues Rock player.

The Celestion G10 Greenback makes the amp sound bigger than the standard stock speaker.

This is an ideal speaker for the guitarist who wants to maintain the amps clarity.
This speaker provides the classic British tight bass response with strong warm midrange clarity. Lead guitar sounds are smooth and crunchy when pushed making this an excellent upgrade for the Classic 20.

The upgrade kit consists of

1 Specially Selected Harma ECC83 Retro
1 Specially Selected & Balanced Harma ECC83 Retro
2 Specially Selected and matched Harma EL84 Retro
1 Celestion 10 inch Ceramic G10 Greenback 16 ohm speaker

This upgrade kit is the valves and speaker only.


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