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The JJ factory was born out of the ashes of the former Tesla factory.
They currently make a range of High quality valves based on some of Tesla most famous designs.
The JJ Tesla 6V6GTS is a 6V6GT which is beautifully made with thick grade glass and features gold grid wire and uses high temperature alloy for the anode plates.The valve has a large plate structure which is braced inside for low microphonics.
The JJ valve is more like a mini 6L6GC than a true 6V6GT so it does have a different sound with less top end sparkle than a traditional 6V6GT
Sonically the JJ also provides excellent performance in all guitar amplifier applications.
In clean playing application the 6V6GTS produces a smooth clear high end with the upper treble clean and clear. The midrange is full and well balanced with a tight and well defined bass end.
In overdriven mode the JJ 6V6GTS is very easy to overdrive providing a warm overdrive with a little compression. It has a very punchy gritty sound and produces large open soundstage
The JJ 6V6GT has been a favorite of mine since it introduction to the market hence we buy a large quantity of these to ensure you get the best price.
For those of you who want the ultimate performance from a JJ 6V6GTS then I would recommend our selected Cryogenic version. The cryogenic treatment is proven scientific process that permanently enhances the valves performance. The sound quality of the Cryo treated JJ is comparable with rare new old stock valves with a much higher price tag.
The JJ 6V6GTS in cryo version is the best sounding version of the JJ 6V6GT available today.
Way Huge WM22 Smalls Green Rhino Overdrive MK5
The original Green Rhino became a real pedal classic and was in inspired by the Ibanez Tube Screamer. The tone shaping ...
£132.50£125.00 -
Original JAN specification 5R4GA made in the USA by Philips to the highest military specification. This valve is ...
£18.00£14.40 -
The Novosibirsk 6H6pi-N is a genuine Soviet design valve that has been used by many audio companies in the driver ...
£15.00£12.00 -
Special Offer
Specially selected and cryogenically treated premium quality Marshall EL34B valves that have all ...
£34.00£30.60 - Marshall Handwired S£
218.00£185.30 - Cornford MK50 Mark 2£
176.00£149.60 - Peavey 3120 STR Mars£